Message from Principal

Dr. Dinesh A. Dadhania

M.M.G. Mahila Arts & Commerce College,
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Message from Principal

Education upgrades thinking of Society and helps to uproot Social evils.

Education is a significant tool that provides knowledge skills, techniques, and information, and enables people  to know their rights and duties toward their family, society, and the nation.

            M.M. Ghodasara Mahila College aims for quality education, Women`s empowerment, and training Women to be intellectually competent, morally upright, physically healthy, spiritually advanced and socially marure who will confidently  face this ever changing competitive  world and change the future towards better ment.

            Proper education identifies our career goals and teaches us to live in more civilized manner. We can not imagine our life without education as we can not develop healthy surroundings and generatate a progressive community without it .

            To sustain in today`s competetive world Patel Kelavani Mandal  provides advanced education with latest technology, empowered by constant  innovation and research for achiving sustainable development in academics, co-curricular activities as well as in individual`s development.

            I would like to encourage all the prospective students and parents to visit the campus meet the principal for your future prospect.

So, let us all together make all our dreams come true by acquiring a proper education and build a prosperous future.  

Dr. Dineshbhai A. Dadhania 



College Committee

College Committee
Year 2023-24 to 2024-25